Max: my six month internship at Fifty Digital

Every love story has to come to an end, and unfortunately for me, my six month rollercoaster ride at Fifty Digital is drawing to a close. With that comes time to reflect upon the months I spent here, the things I have learnt, and showcase some of the work I had the pleasure of working on!

The first month or so was a steep learning curve as I took my first steps in the graphic design industry. Introduction calls aplenty, new systems and processes to learn and adapting to life fresh out of university. The wheels were put in motion almost immediately with work being passed to me within the first few days, and with barely a moment to pick my jaw up off the floor at the amazing client portfolio, I was set to work with a handful of the motorsport channels. Clients such as Shell Motorsport and DS Techeetah were where I was able to find my feet and confidence in a new environment, as well as providing me with the necessary tools to take on bigger challenges down the road.

Aside from the technical skills I picked up as a designer, one of the main additions to my repertoire was a growing fondness for motorsport, especially F1. It has been said time and time again that the staff at Fifty live and breathe sports and being able to work with some massive F1 fans has definitely fuelled (pardon the pun) my own passion for the motorsport world. As I leave Fifty Digital I think back about how proud I am to have been able to produce some awesome pieces for some of the leading teams in World Sport and it will certainly be an accolade I hold high.

My proudest moment during this internship was without doubt seeing my work go out on the FIFA World Cup channels. As a young designer, and a more than avid football fan, seeing my work posted to over 20 million followers was a spectacular feeling.

There were, however, certainly challenges to overcome. Jumping into an agency as fast growing as this, it was difficult to adjust to the pace and standard of work being produced, and it only makes me more thankful for the brilliance of the team around me who supported and motivated me.

With a newfound passion for motorsport and 6 valuable months with a superb digital agency under my belt, I continue on my journey through the wonderful world of digital design and sport and hold my fingers firmly crossed that my path will cross once again with Fifty Digital and my fantastic colleagues.