Liverpool Champions League winners 2019

Success Breeds Success

On Friday we correctly predicted that, based on their follower numbers alone, Liverpool would win the Champions League. Admittedly, this prediction was made by the two Liverpool fans in the office, but we found a way to make it digital.

As some of our minds drifted during the match, we started to think more about the teams’ social media, and just what success would mean to each side.

Tottenham’s exposure on such a global stage would surely result in an increase in followers, which it did – they gained over 16,000 followers on Twitter alone – but the internet loves a winner and Liverpool’s victory netted them 70,000 new followers on the same platform.

But that’s enough division. This was an all-English Champions League Final so from now on, we will be celebrating both clubs and the tournament itself.

We’ve all seen the potential of success on Instagram in terms of engagements, and Saturday’s final was no exception. Liverpool, Tottenham and the Champions League accrued more than 100 million engagements on content posted over the weekend, as well as almost 75 million video views.

Facebook is a platform many consider to be stagnating, but a combined 627,000 increase in followers demonstrated that, with a strong social media strategy, Facebook is a platform that is still thriving.

With the current strength of the Premier League in Europe, the Europa League Final was also an all-English affair, there is no reason to think that English clubs will suffer an online regression any time soon.

Success breeds success, and for Liverpool and Spurs, their performance on the pitch is reaping digital dividends off it.