Adam’s Insights: 100 Days at Fifty Digital
“Have you seen our balcony yet?” was an interesting question that I was asked three or four times a day during my first week. A question I would come to expect given the recent office move to Covent Garden a few months before – no doubt a reflection of just how quickly the company was growing!
My first few weeks were nothing short of a baptism of fire, particularly with the Rugby World Cup in Japan and World Athletics Championships in Doha beginning shortly after I joined, but I loved every minute of it. From quirky meeting rooms named after crisp brands, to weekly pub-quiz style ‘Lunch and Learns’, I knew I was going to like it here. What’s more, my first week ended with Fifty being named Social Media Agency of the Year at the UK Agency Awards (coincidence?!).
Four months later, and now heading up the Insights Team, I handle the performance element of our client campaigns to ensure we are able to adapt if necessary and provide assistance with where we should be posting, when and why. Reactivity is key to staying relevant, and in my role it’s important to keep up to date with social trends and platform algorithm changes, tailoring these to our clients’ needs.
I’ve learnt a lot in such a short space of time and that’s down to the degree of responsibility I’ve been given so early on. Although slightly daunting at first, I’ve already worked with some of the biggest brands in the world, and I’ve felt nothing other than supported during my time here thanks to the family-like structure of the agency and the like-minded team! I know it’s the best place for me to continue my personal development and help the agency reach even higher heights in the near future.
There’s nothing more rewarding than joining an agency that’s constantly pushing the boundaries of an industry that you love, in a role that has so many great opportunities to develop and work with brands you grew up admiring. I can’t wait to see what 2020 has to offer.
Great experience, great people, great company. Here’s to another 100 days and more!