Ben’s Five @ Fifty: What a year at Fifty Digital looks like…

This week marks the first anniversary of me joining the Fifty Digital team. And, while it’s been a remarkable year for a variety of reasons, I’m pleased to be able to sit here knowing I made the right choice. There are dozens of reasons I’ve enjoyed working here for the last 12 months, but here are my top 5…


1. All sport, all the time.

It’s an obvious one but, having worked at a consumer-focused agency previously, it’s been a real pleasure having the chance to work in an industry that represents a personal passion of mine. And it doesn’t stop with the amazing clients we work on – covering everything from motorsport to cricket. Every day, our Slack channels are buzzing with members of the team posting about the latest sports news with the same level of passion I feel myself.


2. Design dream team

At some agencies, the balance between the accounts team and the design team can be weighted uncomfortably heavily in favour of the former. Think 80 executives sending briefs to 3 designers…


Fifty is absolutely committed to top-class design. Not only do we have a design team to match our accounts team, it’s also packed full of amazing talent that can take a rough brief and run with it. They’re an exciting bunch to work with.


3. People-focused leadership

Good employers listen to your opinions and feedback. Great employers take action off the back of it. I’ve had the chance to work on pitches and new clients based on my interests and passion points, and I’m sure it’s the same story for several of my colleagues. That’s a credit to those in charge of getting to know their team and seeing where they will be happiest and most effective in their day-to-day work.


4. Creative freedom

I mentioned the buzzing Slack channels already, and these can be the source of inspiration for some whacky and wonderful ideas. The brilliant thing is that no idea is too whacky to bring to the table – in fact, it’s a trait we highlight to potential new clients. Do we occasionally try something that falls flat on its face? Sure, it happens. But you move on, learn from it, and don’t let it stop you from trying the next whacky idea. It’s a nurtured trait, and it’s the only way you end up with outstanding social content.


5. Culture (pre- and post-COVID)

My colleague Ryan, who joined Fifty two weeks before me, recently wrote about his ‘year of two halves’ and I’d have to echo that sentiment. But what’s been refreshing to see is the company’s commitment to keeping the team together even when we’re working remotely. Prior to lockdown, company socials were regular, and since March we’ve still found ways of staying connected – from coordinated pizza deliveries to socially-distanced meetups in pubs and parks. It’s not perfect, but we’ve made the absolute best of the situation.