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Converting clicks into leads: our top tips on optimising your LinkedIn Strategy

Trying to generate leads on LinkedIn and just not seeing the returns you had hoped for? Maybe you are generating a lot of leads, but they just don’t have the quality that you are looking for. Well, you are in luck! Fifty Digital have shortlisted 3 top tips to help you get better bang for your buck when trying to capitalise on high quality leads.

Tip 1: Finding who is right for you

When putting marketing into practice it is important to know your audience, and most of the time, people already know the demographics and behaviours of the audiences they are targeting. Whilst that is useful, you are only really scratching the surface of LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities. Our first tip? Make the most of ‘Matched Audiences’. These allow you to combine your first-party data with LinkedIn’s powerful professional data.

The matched audiences tool allows you to target three types of audience. Firstly, the specific accounts, which are companies that are of interest to you. Secondly, specific contacts, which are contacts you can upload securely from your database and lastly, website visitors, who are people that have recently been on your website.

It is important to utilise all three of these options and tailor messaging specific to each audience when trying to generate quality leads.

Tip 2: Level up your marketing game

Our next tip will teach you about your website visitors’ behaviours: Implement the LinkedIn ‘Insight Tag’. In short, the insight tag is a snippet of code that you place on the URL of your website that allows you to retarget website visitors.

Without implementing the insight tag, you lose potential customers that are heading to your website, because they are not taking any action which results in them leaving. Integrating the tag on your website allows you to study potential customers and lead them in the direction you wish. You have levelled up your strategy. Whenever you have a potential customer on your page that leaves, you can retarget them with ads specific to their interests.

The insight tag not only gives you the ability to retarget people who visit your website, but it gives you a specific breakdown of who is visiting your website.

Tip 3: It’s a marathon, not a sprint

By now, you should have a better understanding of who you are targeting and why. It is all well and good knowing who to target, but do you know how and when you should be targeting them? In this day and age, everybody wants everything NOW. Unfortunately, being patient is key to generating quality leads, so, let’s talk about why an “always on” strategy will help boost your campaign.

An “always on” strategy means that you filter your audience through the proverbial marketing funnel. This strategy strengthens your identity because you are keeping your brand top-of-mind for potential customers. Did you know that a user consumes on average 10 pieces of content before they convert into a customer? As you can see, if this approach is not proactivity planned and consistent, you will begin to see a drop off from these potential customers.

Hopefully, these 3 tips have taught you a few tricks on how to effectively optimise the targeting capabilities on LinkedIn in order to generate leads for your marketing campaigns.