
FifteWeek: Explained

We’re heading out to Canada for Formula E’s Montreal ePrix at the weekend so have set ourselves the challenge of FifteWeek to celebrate all things sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Society is set up for consumption and convenience which makes our daily lives easier, but often in an unsustainable manner. We are attempting to reduce our daily impact by making smarter decisions which reduce our individual impact and carbon footprints. Why take the Tube when you can walk to that meeting, why grab an Uber when you can cycle and why leave the lights on when it takes two seconds to turn them off? That being said, we will still be flying to Canada as it’s unfortunately beyond our swimming range!

Donald Trump may have withdrawn from the Paris Accord but there’s been some recent good news, with both France and Great Britain confirming bans on new petrol and diesel cars from 2040. Car manufacturers are increasing their focus on electric vehicles which is where Formula E comes in to FifteWeek.


The likes of BMW and Mercedes-Benz are entering the sport because it is the perfect testing ground to help accelerate their electric fleet development. Formula One has shown the spill over benefits of motorsports technology to road cars. Formula E arguably has vastly more potential with the environment of a Formula E ‘track’ and race being much closer to everyday life than Formula One.

If you would like to join us as we attempt to be more environmentally aware, then please send us your pictures and attempts.