The Fifty Digital Office

New routines at Fifty Digital

As the UK and the rest of the world start another week in lockdown, some of the Fifty Digital team have shared their new routines that are helping to keep us fit, healthy, motivated and entertained during these unprecedented times.

“I start off most mornings with my ‘Breakfast Club’ video call with some of the design team. This is before work and we just have general non-work-related chit chat whilst making breakfast. I always try and do 30/45 minutes of yoga at lunch and if the sun is shining, do this outside. My family have become quite obsessed with Mario Kart so in the evenings and on the weekends, it can get quite competitive!”

Micheala Working from home

“I live for quizzes, and I’ve been keeping my brain sharp by taking on as many online/virtual quizzes as possible. Since we started working from home, I’m into double figures, covering everything from Disney to Friends to Harry Potter. Exercise-wise I’ve been walking as much as possible, and I’ve been joining my PT for some Instagram Live workouts.” 

“Finding the balance between work and home has been challenging, so I’ve been trying to break it up by replacing my commute with going for a little 5k run (or doing a mini home workout with my flatmates if it’s a bit wet and cold). I’ve been reading a lot more than usual so when I don’t fancy exercising, you’ll find me on the sofa reading The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters, highly recommend!”

“Despite the situation, it’s been great getting in a new routine of walking the dog for an hour before work. The fresh air really makes me feel energised before the day working at home, and leaves time for HIIT or yoga workouts during lunch and evenings. I’ve also rediscovered my love for baking and made cookies, brownies and hot cross buns so far! Definitely need the dog walking to counteract the effects of baking and eating!”

Maddie exercising at home

“During the week, I always make sure I get out to do some form of exercise to clear my head, whether it’s going for a walk, a run or a home workout. On weekends, I have a bit more time on my hands and I try and keep moving around as well. My brother and I have even been setting up our own obstacle courses using all sorts of sporting equipment from rugby balls to golf clubs!”

“I’ve been doing the Rowbots London workout every lunch time. To account for lack of professional equipment last week they had us using anything from a bottle of wine, to cans of baked beans and pieces of paper to keep us moving ?.
My friends and I have regular catch ups on the Houseparty app, we even take part in live Insta Stories cocktail making classes!”

“For me, exercise has been the key to a healthy mind during this time and to ensure I get moving if ever I have felt a little restless. Switching it up between going for runs near my local park or simply getting out in my garden, blasting on the music and getting my heart-rate up for 20-30 mins has been enough to get my endorphins up!”

Get in touch on our social media channels to let us know how you’re coping with quarantine.