Women in Motorsport – revisited

The world of motorsport is, traditionally, male-dominated.  

Working as a woman in the motorsport industry used to be pretty unheard of. But having said that, progress is being made and over the last few years we have started to see a shift in gender representation not only in racing, but in the supporting roles too. 

Our client W Series, who we have worked with since they were established in 2019, are a force leading the charge in making motorsport more inclusive. We have recently been with the teams in Barcelona shooting content for the season ahead, with the objective of creatively championing female representation in motorsport. The season starts with the debut Miami race 6-8 May and we’re excited to be a part of their journey to equality in motorsport. Let me introduce you to Gemma, who works as part of this incredible series.

Gemma: Senior Creative Producer 

Gemma (above) began working in the Television industry after gaining a degree in Broadcast Journalism and ‘fell’ into sports marketing while taking on the role of a casting researcher for England Rugby fans ahead of the 2015 World Cup.

She has always been interested in storytelling via content and that has led to her current role as Senior Creative Producer at Fifty Digital.

“While I am not a huge motorsport fan, W Series as a brand is one I feel very passionate about as a woman,” she says. 

“Having got to know the drivers I have seen first-hand the journeys they have had into motorsport and how passionate they are to succeed in a male-dominated industry. It’s great to work with them and help shine a light on women in sport, building awareness of the Championship and an organisation whose primary goal is to change the face of motorsport for good.” 

If Gemma had a tip for getting into the industry it would be to be passionate and curious. You don’t have to be the biggest fan of every sport, but have an interest in the stories, the athletes, the values of the brand/organisation in order to promote them in the best and most authentic way.

Here at Fifty Digital, we have an amazing pool of motorsport clients beyond the W Series and an equally amazing team that helps to keep them at the top of the social game. Our female representation is more than 50 per cent and we are proud to be part of breaking the mold. 

From being fans of the sport to making that passion their occupation, let’s meet some of the other Fifty females that are helping pave the way for female representation in motorsport today…

Lara: Senior Digital and Social Media Manager 

Lara grew up watching the Formula 1 and MotoGP series. This was a passion that passed down through a series of generations in her family, often watching alongside her father and grandfather. 

For Lara, racing itself was not the only thing that sparked her interest. In the paddock there are a variety of positions that need to be filled for a race weekend go ahead. For the purpose of the fans, sports journalists are at the heart of their experience. Without journalists we would not be fed race analysis, paddock chatter, and the driver lowdown as we know it today. Being fascinated by this role Lara moved to London to complete a Masters in Sports Journalism.

Her education and love for motorsport – in particular Valentino Rossi – gave her the fundamental experience and knowledge to be in the role she is today. After recently celebrating five years at Fifty Digital, Lara continues to take the lead role in managing our motorsport clients.

Isabelle: Digital and Social Media Executive

Growing up near Sepang International Circuit, it’s only fitting that Isabelle fell in love with motorsport after visiting the 2010 Malaysian Grand Prix.

Like Lara, Isabelle grew up watching Formula 1 and has been a feature of her weekends ever since. Isabelle was keen to make a career move into an industry she was passionate about.  However, like other women interested in motorsport, Isabelle has not always had the easiest ride.

She says: “I think many people have been shocked when, as a woman, I’ve said one of my favourite sports is Formula 1. I’ve received sexist remarks about how F1 isn’t for women and that I shouldn’t be watching it, or just plain blanking me when I try to come into a conversation about it.”

Sadly, these are barriers to working in the industry that women have faced over the years. However, thanks to the increase in female representation, social media presence and racing categories, we are starting to see change. These barriers even inspired Isabelle to push harder.

“These moments only spurred me on,” adds Isabelle. “I like it more now than ever, and these comments increased my drive to work in the Motorsport and sports industry. I wanted to prove these comments wrong. Working in Formula 1 is great, my passion has increased, and I have learnt so much more about the Junior Formulas and the background to the industry.”

Sophie: Digital and Social Media Coordinator 

Sophie is a relatively new member of the Fifty Digital team, but she has an upbringing rich in motorsport. After being brought up around Formula 1 and having a dad who used to race bikes, her goal was to work in this world she knew so well. 

In parallel to Isabelle’s experience, Sophie also faced some unwelcome comments about her love for motorsport while growing up. Due to bullying, she even chose to take a different career path and went on to study psychology at university. However, she soon realised she could not keep away from motorsport and decided to tackle her degree from a motorsport perspective. Psychology is heavily involved in all walks of life so she was able to adapt her studies to investigate the influence of social media in online sporting communities.

“If I could go back in time and tell my 16 year old self to ignore the stigma and comments about being a female interested in motorsport, I would,” she says. “But as I cannot do that to myself, I hope I can do that for other young girls. The beauty is that it is never too late. Even if you are at university you can always adapt your dissertation projects to make them your own and fit your passion. Sometimes you just have to think outside the box to find a way.”

Sophie now uses her own social media to support other female fans wishing to work in motorsport. She often makes an effort to travel to as many events and female forward workshops as possible to try and learn more about the industry, in her own time.  


So there you have it. It’s happening. Motorsport is becoming more female! At Fifty Digital, we are proud to have so many amazing clients and talented motorsport lovers in our team as we aim to break the bias. However, with gender still a barrier for some women in the industry, it is important to keep these conversations going. 

Sharing experiences and roles within the industry can make all the difference, so we all have a role in inspiring the next generation to continue the charge. Social media has played a pivotal role in driving change as we have seen the rise in female focussed communities created by motorsport fans. 

Formula 1’s motto is “We Race As One”, we should work as one too. Let’s keep the conversation going!