YouTube Community Tab: The Underappreciated Jewel in Social Media’s Crown

Youtube has over 2 billion active accounts making it the second largest social media platform in the world. Creators already effectively utilise the platform making engaging and creative video content. However for creators there is an additional feature, YouTube Community, which is often an under-appreciated jewel in the platform’s offering. 

YouTube Community replaced the previous ‘Discussions’ tab on creators’ accounts in 2018. It is a text-status update feed, similar in look and style to Facebook, which allows users to post updates, polls, photos or interact with YouTube subscribers and visitors directly. 

This offers a new method of engaging with YouTube followers. Previously prominent accounts have used YouTube Community to promote past videos, tease ahead to upcoming content as well as document photos and activities in a similar style to Facebook. It brings content to life via a new platform and outlet to maximise audience engagement. 

How are brands, sports and influencers using YouTube Community?

The ICC, use the feed as a more succinct Facebook by posting images and videos. They regularly attract engagement figures similar to their Instagram and Facebook accounts. This highlights the fact that the YouTube Community tab is widely undervalued by most brands but should never be underestimated!

Other creators use the feature to invite feedback on videos, add links to Charity or commercial opportunities and tease ahead to upcoming content like YouTuber PewDiePie, making the feed a valuable add-on to the normal video content. 

If used effectively, YouTube Community offers an additional method of reaching and engaging with the 2 billion active users on YouTube. With a typically younger user base than the majority of rival social media sites, it is a platform that is here to stay making the YouTube Community tab a significant opportunity for creators to engage with their followers.